Playful Visualizations at Work, Working Visualizations at Play

Archive for January, 2014

Linkstorm 2014: the polar vortex of internet wanderings

I am not exactly sure that the metaphor of my subtitle will uphold everyone’s expectations, but I thought I needed something jazzy to start the new year (yes…17 days and 1 MLA conference after the new year has started).  I’m switching up my normal post format today–and no, it’s not  because I am actually posting something–but rather, I wanted to share some links of interest.

If you were not at the MLA in Chicago last weekend, you were most likely warmer than I was.  More importantly, however, check out some post-conference comments on the presence of DH at the MLA .  As this Inside Higher Ed article points out (as well as Mark Sample does here earlier in September) about 10% of all of the convention lots had some digital connection.  As DH is such a big umbrella, and difficult to define (as seen in Define DH 2012 and 2013) it was exciting to see so many projects and tools in one (albeit cold) place.

While my own current work deals more with small data, and using digital tools to approach a single novel (or a small group of craigslist ads just for fun), there is a “big movement”  towards “big data” that I’ve been noting over the past few years, and this was also evident at the conference.

Speaking of “big data” and “internet wanderings”, Maria Popova’s site, Brain Pickings, recently posted a review of sorts of Erez Aiden and Jean-Baptiste Michel’s new book, Uncharted.  

Other news of importance, specifically for those interested in DH in the Spanish speaking world (like myself), RED HD (Red de Humanidades Digitales- a DH organization in Mexico City) has extended their call for participation until Jan. 20!  There’s still time!

Enjoy the links, stay warm, and happy 2014.